Turning playgrounds into every child’s play oasis through landscape design, construction services, and the fabrication of custom play features.

Every project is a new opportunity to create something unique and instill new memories for the next generation of outdoor adventurers.



strauchtshelm series 22

fabrication contract SBP1202


Wooden Playgrounds Are Where It’s At!

Summer renovations on the beloved black locust playgrounds at At Kemp Alexander, Fulmore, and Alberico Parks and Playgrounds. Many repairs, replacements, and refreshed surfaces later, the playgrounds will be ready to amuse the children of Cambridge Massachusetts for another decade. Most of the play features were designed and built by our friend and wood, playground pioneer/talent: Mitch Ryerson. See More


Grown Local
Made Local

Unlike major suppliers of black locust decking or play equipment, we source all of our wood locally. The wood is denser and exhibits greater character when selectively harvested from forests instead of plantations many carbon footprints away.


make it last with black locust